Source Code

Bunny Nose

Look to Bunny-Nose, if you are an Edder or if you are a Dummy.

DEA - Bunny Nose - Barnt

by Betty January 7, 2004

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magic nose goblins

Stimpy's friendly snot creatures. Also a band from Reno, NV known for it's "psychoindustrialpunkfunkgrungeadelic" sound.

"You could play with your magic nose goblins."

"Dude, did you see the Magic Nose Goblins last night?"

by Slime Barfer February 11, 2008

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fucked nose thot

tana mongeau

search up fucked nose thot in youtube

by FUCKEDNOSEFARQUAAD September 23, 2017

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Epic Nose Bleed

1. When something so epic happens that you get a nose bleed.
2. A nose bleed triggered by epicness.
3. Blood draining from the nose after something epic has happend.
4. When something of epic perportion activates a nose bleed.

Guy 1: Dude...Your nose is bleeding!
Guy 2: I know man!
Guy 1: It's an epic nose bleed.

by Ilanea May 17, 2011

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bottled nose dolphin

penis male genetalia

I'd sure like to let my bottled nose dolphin swim in her fish tank

by HondaHomie07 April 25, 2004

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itchy nose syndrome

when someone, (most commonly named jack) itches his nose a lot

this syndrome is often caused by gurgling vodka and stealing innocent girls' glow sticks : (

jack has an itchy nose syndrome!

by glowstickgirl November 11, 2009

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Anne of Cleves nose

A nose that looks long and thin from the front but bumpy and huge from the side. Comes from Henry VIII's reaction when he saw his future wife Anne of Cleves' large proboscus in flesh for the first time, after having seen a "portrait" of her where she had a very cute one. He ended up hating it so much he created his own church so he could divorce her. They stayed friends, but to this day an Anne of Cleves nose will cause it's owner to lean towards plastic surgery.

OhmyGod I have the worst Anne of Cleves nose, so that cute lifeguard can only see me from the front, ok?

by keeneyecoolhead January 1, 2007

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