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spider mane

Vadim: spidermane

Spider mane means Sksmwkksmwkalalsksmwk six w Siam sjambok snwkq. Dismal s aks. SMS’s,ma w smakakaks:s a Aksum

by Kxkskskdjwkskdkwiwiskdkskwksks November 26, 2020

Dog Pet Spider

The result of spraying a spider with nature’s miracle advanced and it growing in size and getting cute

Damn, that’s a sweet dog pet spider. Does he like to go on walks?

by Junk lung February 22, 2021

Spider web

When our cum on someone's asshole or puckered lips and their butthole or lips resemble a spider and the cum resembles a spider web

I totally spider webbed this booty hole last night

by Spider web August 31, 2017

spider-man 3

verb, transitive

1. To add an unnecessary number of villains or antagonists to a work of fiction (usually a film)—more villains than it can sustain while still being "good."

2. To lose control of the balance of multiple villains or antagonists, in the case that the balance was previously maintained (esp. in a TV show, which can hold more villains than a movie).

• Batman V. Superman could have been a good movie if it was just about Batman vs. Superman, but instead they totally spider-man 3'ed it.

• Seasons 1-4 of Game of Thrones pulled off having more than one villain. But when the show split off from the books, they couldn't juggle all the characters and it got spider-man 3'ed.

• The reason 2020 was such a shitty year is because they tried to cram in too much content at once. Terrible pacing, no room to breathe. Covid, toilet paper panic, Australia fires, California fires, George Floyd, Trump's 2nd impeachment, election conspiracy theories, RBG, almost having war with Iran... takes massive bong rip They spider-man 3'ed an entire year.

by burningbusch June 2, 2022

Spider Honk

You don't even wanna know what spider honking is

Guy 1: be careful, i think they spider honked your food
Guy 2: what's spider honking?
Guy 1: you don't even wanna know dude
Guy 2: *throws away his food*

by Grouperwooper January 1, 2021

world spider web

The searchable web excavated by means of spiders

A spider sat beside her as she searched the world spider web with the use of spiders.

by Hercolena Oliver September 24, 2008

The Spider-Man

An uncontrollable act in which you cum and your cum is so sticky and thick to where it almost looks like a spider web. You can also call this the snot web in certain cases

“Ah dude I did the spider-man with carrisa last night and she puked because of how it looked and felt”

by KoreanFartGoblin February 26, 2020