Source Code

Title text here

Title text here

John: *enters a google application*
God: Title text here

by Pusylicker92 February 6, 2019

5👍 1👎

text for your header

noun (modern slang)

really fun, very good game

example: Yo bro, you gotta get that app, it's a total text for your header

by FahKnee June 1, 2019

Last Resort For Texting

A.K.A. as LRFT. Usually, when you have no one else to text, so you text the only person you'd usually never text.

Jake: Man last night, I was so effin' bored at Wal Mart, I texted the lonely girl Hannah, man she's such a lrft.

Josh: Last night I heard the I was a lrft or a Last Resort For Texting, is that right Kait?
Kaitlyn: Uh, no. Heh. *Totally lieing*

by IHitTheCornersOfRoundTables. July 16, 2010

Machine gun texting

Sending off several text messages in rapid succession without waiting for a reply to one.

My girlfriend is machine gun texting me to death and it is pissing me off

by Sinolop April 14, 2013

Text Message Breakup

Recent statistics also show text message breakups automatically lower testosterone levels by 50%.

The Dreaded T.M.B:
"Hey bby I'm sorry but I don't think this is working out."

Congratulations, dumbass! You broke up with somebody though a text message... and you still have the nerve to call them baby in the same message you used to break up with them? Wow. Amazing. You did a 2 in 1!

...So now this chick is crying because she got the most devastating text message that has ever been sent to her sidekick. She reads the text message and calls him back.


So then, this dumbass doesn't pick up the phone but he sends another text message.


So... the chick gets mad and she sends a 9 page message that contains at least 2 curse words per sentence... In ALL
CAPS... but no matter what the message says... it always ends in these words: "YOU'LL BE SORRY! " >=

you can't forget the mad face...it plays a very important role in a text message break up

...Genius isn't it?

Keep your dignity. Grow some balls: don't text message breakup

by anti-TMB campagin August 21, 2009

111👍 36👎

Compulsive Texting Disorder

(Also known as CTD) When you send text after text to someone with any thought that enters your mind, regardless of whether they respond to any of your texts or not. Even when you realize that this is what you're doing, you are helpless to stop yourself.

Friend 1- "I've sent him five texts and he hasn't responded to one of them."

Friend 2- "Why don't you give it a rest already? He's probably busy."

Friend 1- "I know, I just can't stop myself."

Friend 2- "Sounds like you've got a case of Compulsive Texting Disorder to me!"

by Charlotte's Tangled Web July 14, 2008

20👍 4👎


Text-to-speech-leeches are the Youtube channels that make money off of crappy text-to-speech Reddit videos. They also always manage to make it into your recommended section.

Why are there so many Text-to-speech-leeches in my recommended?

by 😶spritecranberrydotnet😶 December 16, 2019

15👍 3👎