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Parent's sibling's child.

My cousin is a good person.

by Mr. Jacov November 23, 2019


Another word for friend or home girl

“Does this look right cousins?”

by Ugh_idk January 16, 2024



Shaurya has a crush on his cousin, Phangunii

by Shaurya G December 17, 2023


Term used to describe aboriginal people, often paired with Auntie and Uncle

"Hey bro look over there by parliament house, its the aunties and uncles and cousins sipping on a goon bag"

by FarkinSkits69 May 11, 2022


A boring and annoying person you can never count on me you should always judge

I “love” my cousin

by Skyler882 May 28, 2022


A boring person you can never trust. Also annoying and smells bad all the time. They are the worst person to go to ever.

I “love” my cousin

by Skyler882 May 28, 2022


Cousin is a euphemism for menstruation. Instead of saying "period", girls often say "My cousin is here", or "My cousin has come", or sometimes "My cousin is visiting", to express the idea "I'm on my period".

Amanda: Girls, I can't hang out with you tonight. My cousin is here.
Sadie: Oh, sorry to hear that. You're having period cramps agaian?

Amanda: Yep. They'are killing me righg now.

by Sussie Q April 24, 2024