A one legged fuck boy. Drinks one beer and is drunk. Uses daddy’s money to buy cars and car parts. Plays Xbox nakedly while smelling like shit, shower boy
That Jackson David is a bitch. Just got a car from daddy
A dude who is an absoulute player! Love him though, but I like Skyler Hipp more!
Person A: "Dude Elijah Jackson Salsgiver is an ass"
Beating it in a school stall
person 1: yo i think i stepped in nut!
person 2: yeah my bad I just got done pulling a jackson.
To pull a Jackson is a term used by me. it means when someone is being an absolute Faggot and doesn't know they are being a Faggot.
Greg: Hey did you here about that one kid being a Faggot? Chris: yeah that Faggot who was pulling a Jackson earlier.
A hoe who likes getting spanked HARD
That HOE Jackson Moller couldn’t sit right in his desk because his girlfriend spanked him too hard last night...
A gay male who loves dick
A good man but has a stinky shitter
Jay Jackson loves men and does kinky anal