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snapchat joke

A joke that only lasts three seconds.

Person 1:"I'm an alien, I mean what"
2 minutes later, while talking about living in another planet

Person 2: "Shhh don't blow their cover"
Person 3: "late response much? That was a snapchat joke"

by Julieeann December 8, 2015

International Explain-Joke day

On May 21, you can use any random fake shit you find on Urban Dictionary and sent it to someone as a joke. On May 22, you must explain the joke and the reason why you sent the Urban Dictionary definition.

*May 21*
Mark: Hey Lisa! It's national get a girlfriend day! Look at this screenshot from Urban Dictionary!

Lisa: Um.. I'm lesbian. I thought you knew that.

*May 22*
Lisa: Oh I get what you said yesterday! It's International Explain-Joke Day! This is the part where you explain that yesterday was a joke right? Thank god, I'm literally fucking lesbian you dumbass.

by overweightmilf May 21, 2021

Bro Joke

A joke that no one else can understand but your bros.

"that's not funny"
"yeah, you wouldn't understand, it's a bro joke."

by Tifannie May 2, 2019

manager jokes

The same concept of a dad joke but its in the work place and said by a superior

Man Rory is so annoying he keeps saying the worst manager jokes

by One part of the Rumblers February 27, 2016

missed the joke

(joke here)

He missed the joke

by browniesarecool January 2, 2024

joke blocker

a guy who just can't help but interupt when someone is else trying tell a joke

matt was in the middle of telling a great joke - but just as he was getting to the punch line brian chimed in to try and finish the punch line - which the wrong punch line of course - he is a real joke blocker.......................

by Samran53 April 2, 2021

You missed the joke.

You simply missed the joke. This is a bad thing on the social media. Avoiding this mistake is recommended.

Typer 1: Wow that’s not funny. I did not laugh!
Typer 2: But it’s a meme it’s supposed to be funny.
Typer 3: You missed the joke.

by Idk just someone January 19, 2023