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Morning Hug

When you need to puke in the morning and it won't stop. So you end up clutching the toilet to scare to move away.

Most commonly associated with morning sickness or hangovers.

Guy 1: You drank so much last night!!
Guy 2: I know! But after my Morning Hug I felt much better.

by dankDefine November 10, 2017

Eskimo Morning

When you get a blowjob with iced coffee in their mouth.

I thought I woke up in an igloo when my girlfriend gave me an Eskimo morning.

by Lord_Veilous_Pinny September 20, 2019

5 o’clock in the morning

5 o’clock in the morning is Morningwood

- the time that you spend planning out the rest of your day

- a good chunk of people will be asleep

“It’s 5 o’clock in the morning the conversation got boring, you said your goin got bed soon, so I snuck off to your bedroom. Then I thought I’d just wait there....”

A lovely Tpain song from the 2000s, that should be loved by everyone.

I’m not even angry that nobody remembers it. But I liked to talk about it with my friends.

Psychologically it would be the most calming song to use to go to sleep.

At 5 o’clock in the morning someone will be having sex and thinking about me.

At 5 in the morning I’m usually asleep, but still love this song though.

“Boy’s used to sing this all the time on the bus. Zachary, would love this song.”

by Funimnothavingfundoyougetitnow July 20, 2021

Morning Burn

That feeling in the morning when the roof of your mouth, when in contact with water, feels like it's burning so fucking bad.

I usually experience Morning Burn, maybe because I open my mouth while I'm asleep.

by Da Berrrr September 17, 2016

food morning

Rusty's way of saying good morning but FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD

food morning Tanel, how was your sleep?
food morning Cappy!!!

by YtTanel March 6, 2022


Between Midnight and Morning

"Dude, I get out of work at 3 in the semi-morning"

by a-clock March 31, 2021

Snowy Morning

Where you wake up in the morning, and your hands and dick are connected through dried over, sticky, semen.

guy 1: "That was the worst day ever, to top it off my hands were stuck to my dick by my own jizz"

guy 2: "Sounds like you had a snowy morning"

by skaninja July 29, 2013