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employed thot

A bitch on Facebook who has three jobs but spends most of her free time sleeping around. Be wary because all she really has to offer is ramen noodles and good cat.

My best friend had a baby with that employed thot and now he pays bookoo child support and has hypertension.

by RestroomPoetry August 26, 2015

Kelmscott Thot

A girl who can been seen around kelmscott typically, with an extremely short skirt and Nike bag. These thots walk in packs and can hardly be distinguished. They typically skip class, smoke pot, brag to everyone that they have lost their virginity and always like to start a fight.

I saw her come off the train, she’s a kelmscott thot

by Stalinanddlkhaledraisedme420 June 23, 2018


(ka-thot) a Ka-thot is that one bitch who Fetishes Koreans listen to ONLY music created by asians,has a fucking twitter profile of an asian idol or an asian person they have never met, BuT THESe HoES DOnT GIVE a FUCK bc Their ASIaN and AsiaNS are SUperior bitches be ignoring their sugar babies for asian music and korean girls. LIKE IM SORRY IM NOT FUCKING ASAIN???!?!?!?

*you text ur bae*
*bae leaves you an read after multiple times of texting but you see they are fucking tweeting about some damn k-pop star who the probably love more than you u-u *
*you: thats how you know I'm dating a ka-thot*
*fuck you too ):*
bet if i was a k-pop star or asian u would reply ):: *

by your favorite garden tool January 4, 2019

thot wheeling

When a girl is third wheeling her friend and her boy friend but she wants to get with the boyfriend. She hangs out with them to get a chance to get at him.

Keisha is thot wheeling Sasha and Chris because tryna holla at him.

by D-brezzy March 14, 2017

thot caught

When you are caught being a thot

When you're giving the "I want to tap that" look to someone and they catch eyes with you, you've been thot caught.

by Patrick_101 February 6, 2015

Dusty Thot

A girl who plays multiple boys at the same time, then gets annoyed when she exposes herself; blocking the guy she just exposed herself to.

That DUSTY THOT just blocked me ….. Good was gunna block her anyways.

don't go near that DUSTY THOT she gunna set off your asthma.

by Jjackfinnes May 29, 2018

spooky thot

Spooky thot is where a ghost fucks you until you cum in your sleep people may say this could be a wet dream but it is really a a spooky thot

Strength cum

Weaknesses retarded 12 year olds


Spooky thot

by J0NI Y December 5, 2017