When you put a cheerio in random places, around him, around school, around the town, or even on a person without that person noticing.
If you do this, take a picture and post it on instagram or twitter with #secretcheeriochallenge
I decided to do the secret cheerio challenge! I put a cheerio on my friends head without her noticing #secretcheeriochallenge
go to taco bell and get fire sauce packets and have the challenger drink 5 packets of fire sauce
person 1: i just went to taco bell and got 5 packets of fire sauce you should do the taco bell sauce challenge.
person 2: no way man last time i did that i started gagging because it was so hot.
A challenge when you get pushed onto the highway by the partner and get hit by a truck and play dead.
“Let’s do the Robbie Challenge!”
TIC-TOC Corona ice bucket challenge ; is when you challenge somebody to tip a bucket of iced water over there heads, with a hint of either, vinegar, salt, lemon and/or detergent with sanitizer.
I challenge all TIC-TOC uses to the COVID IBC. TIC-TOC Corona ice bucket challenge.
The practice of trying to only be awake for four hours a day as well as monthly fat girl visits. Please perform at your own risk
I think me and my buddies are going to try the Dylan challenge!
When a male tries to go five consecutive weeks without masturbating. Sexual activity with others is permitted during the challenge—only self performed actions are forbidden.
Ever since I started the Five Week Challenge, I spit game all the time. I can't help it—I'm so horny!
A person who is an abnormal shape, typically due to being overweight.
Wow, look a Gary failing to walk through that door, he must be a geometrically challenged individual