A phrase that works in any context.
Can be used instead of fuck
Or can mean to fuck
“ I’m going out with that ryan from tinder. I really hope he smashes my cracker”
When I stubbed my toe, I screamed “ Smash my Cracker”.
noun: Someone who is a white-black racial mix.
Left Winger: When a Conservative calls Obama a socialist, what he really means is nigger.
Some guy: Why would Conservatives call Obama a nigger?
Left Winger: Because he is a black man.
Some guy: Actually, Obama is not a black man or a nigger; He is a nigger flavored cracker because his mother was white and his father was black.
Some guy: When a Conservative calls Obama a socialist they really mean socialist; if they wanted to call him a racial slur then they would have said it because all Americans have the right to free speech.
Some guy: assuming that socialist means black is racist because that is assuming that only black people are socialists
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Pronounced Wackaz-in-yo-Crackaz, refers to a random and unexpected kick to a mans groin. the "wackaz" represents the kick and the "crackaz"represents the groin.
I am not sorry i made you cry this morning from the Wackers in Your Crackers. You will probably need to put ice on your groin for the rest of the day.
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a really funny but dumb way to exclaim something
Batman: The Joker's getting away Robin!
Robin: Holy cheese and crackers Batman!
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Well anrgy cracker syndrome is when an angry cracker (white person) has way to much shit, way to big home (that's why black people come steal it), way to hot wife's (black people steal that to because crackers have small dicks girls like summer sausages not lil Oscar myer wieners an thats how you get an angry cracker).
When I went to the shrink they said I had angry cracker syndrome.
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when youre cock hasnt been cleaned for some time and collects dirt which smells cheesy you then wipe the cheese on to youre hand and then onto youre unsuspecting friends toast.
hey barney you want some toast....yeah great buddy..mmm this toasts really good..ha ha ha u just had youre first alabama cheese cracker
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Something bad. It started with card games and bad hands but it fits with a lot of different things. basically its a humorous and rediculous combination. nobody would want to eat ass and graham crackers, unless you're in to that sort of thing
What the fuck is that smell? Smells like ass and graham crackers in here.
Lost another game of spades, that hand was like ass and graham crackers.
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