Shit residue left on a toilet seat from someone with poor personal hygiene.
I had to use the restroom really bad and unfortunately someone before me left Ogre Dust on the toilet seat.
Surprising a friend with the gift of cannabis!
I found a Faerie Dusting at my door today! Not sure where it came from…..must’ve been a Weed Faerie because there’s Cannabis in it!!
your friend leaves u in da dust.
(jaq) bruh, bite da dust!!!! (you) no, bruh. (jaq) fine, im leavin. bye (you) noooo (jaq) srry theres dust in yo mouth
Twinkle dust is when you shave your pubes on your hand and then blow it off onto your butt naked partner in bed, and then get dried up shit and knock it onto your partner's mouth.
Me and Jack exchanged twinkle dust last night, and it was amazing
Hex dust is Propylhexedrine HCl dust. It comes in brown dust and white dust and both mixed together. Hex dust helps you do math. Hex dust is also called Math Jr. 108mg to 216mg helps with focus, math, ADHD, and more and you clean a few things here and there, but got to push yourself. 216mg to 648mg of Hex Dust (Propylhexedrine HCl) and you get high and clean everything and study much more. Each Benzedrex cotton can give you 216mg to 218mg maximum Propylhexedrine HCl.
Tony: I tried 218mg of Hex Dust and cleaned everything.
the fine dust created using an electric razor.
dude... get the man dust out of sink.
The act of doing cocaine off someone's butthole
We may be Netflix and chilling now, but we will be Netflix and snail dusting before the night is through.