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jump pad mquack

Jumps up your ass and fucks you so hard like shrek that you start “quacking” like a duck.

Last nigh a girl asked me to jump pad mquack her for pleasure.

by Fuck me hard March 3, 2018

rap jumping

Dissing a rapper of higher popularity/rank to jump up in popularity/rank.

"Aye @NickCannon you better stop rap jumping my n*gga marshall before me, 50, Royce, crooked i, Lloyd banks, j Cole, Kendrick, logic, tech n9ne, big Sean, and king los get busy on yo ass.... pause. 🖊 keep playin. 😑😑😑," Joyner tweeted.

by GreenNinja650 December 12, 2019

When I say "jump" you say "how high?"

The catchphrase of boomers in particular, possibly coming from the movie "Stripes" is a phrase that fuels their narccisim and the outcome being they wonder why their kids and grand kids go No Contact and abandon them or throw them into homes and abandon them.

The idea is you are supposed to question an order not act in blind subordenation. They just say "JUMP!" being confused you ask "How high and why?"

Boomers comically use the phrase "If your friend jumps off a bridge would you follow?" fueling more of their hypocisy.

"When I say "jump" you say "how high?"-Boomers

"Why do my kids hate me?"-Boomers

by rolomaturbo December 26, 2023

Schlong Jump

When one male lies on the ground with an erect penis and another man tries to jump onto it so that the penis directly enters his sphincter.

Ryan laid on the ground and got his penis to an erect state. Justin then lined it up with precision and leaped backwards, landing straight on to Ryan's erect penis. They both celebrated with glee as they had completed a successful Schlong jump.

by Dezmuz May 27, 2016

Jumping a beaver dam

When two guys bang in the back of a John boat. They position themselves in a way that makes it appear to others as if they’re about to “jump a beaver dam

Wv man- Look at that skinny dude banging that old bald dude!

Ohio man- we’re “jumping a beaver dam”!

by Brokeback Canada March 28, 2022

Bungee Jumping

When she doesn't take the pill she has to pray that the rubber doesn't rip just like when you do bungee jumping

"Are you on the pill?" "Nah I'm bungee jumping."

by It's RAW!!! January 20, 2022

Bungee Jumping

It’s like committing suicide but knowing you’ll survive and then actually surviving and coming out of it as if you just escaped death.

Hey Lucas, wanna come bungee jumping with me?

Yeah man!


by ArnoldVonTrumpZenegger October 7, 2019