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You can say that again

It's a kind of term when you agree with someone, he/she. It shows that you are in one thought with that person.

Ex: (Mom yelling at us to be quick)

Sister: "Mom is soooooo IRRITATING!"

Me: "You can say that again" (showing that you agree with your sister (do you?))

by seetheworld October 15, 2018

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If it bleeds, we can kill it

Much like Get to da choppa! this is a much quoted line by the character Dutch in the action film Predator.
played by-Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Must be said barely audibly, due to an over sized cigar or sum such stand in prop and a thick Austrian accent.

Can be used in any number of social situations often regarding an overly optimistic and highly unlikely outcome.

Mac: Dude, that babe is way too hot for you.

(puts rolled up beer mat between teeth and assumes Austrian accent)

Dutch: If it bleeds, we can kill it.

by Soul-Demon September 17, 2008

100πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

That creep can roll, man

Used to grudgingly admit respect for the ability of someone who you despise.

Dude: That creep can roll, man.
Walter: Yeah, but he's a pervert, Dude

by Dr Winterbourne April 2, 2009

36πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The answer is no. You do not beat Goku. Goku beats you.

Random guy: Saitama is the strongest.
Other random Guy: BUT CAN HE BEAT GOKU?

by DesTehPoor December 15, 2021

my boys can swim

slang for having the ability to produce semen with viable sperm in quantities sufficient for fertilization and reproduction.

It took longer than Ann and I expected to get pregnant--not that I'm complaining! Good to know my boys can swim!

by she who gardens November 6, 2010

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Garbage can buff job

When a girl runs her tounge in circular motions on your ass

β€œHey babe can I get a garbage can buff job ;)”
β€œEw no fuck off”

by Phil shift-ley April 13, 2019

air you can wear

A common phrase in the south eastern United States, particularly the Gulf Coast region. Description of an extremely humid day. Usually reserved for when the humidity level outdoors is above 90%.

If its so muggy outside the walls are sweating that's air you can wear.

by Jlh1309 July 5, 2017