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unicorn rainbow dick

a rainbow colored unicorn dick :)

person 1:wow did you see that giant unicorn rainbow dick.

person 2: yeah it was fucking huge

by DLAB09 August 13, 2011

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Rainbow Flag Redneck

A redneck who acts very homophobic and acts very straight. But in the inside is the fashion loving, home designing, hayyyy boy.

hey cleatus see my ford

yeah i see it.

aint it hawwwttt cleatus?

wtf no its a car you Rainbow Flag Redneck

by Jfedstheman June 2, 2009

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Crooked Rainbow

Another term for the Gay Mafia or a gay militant, but it implying a culture of political corruption and rabid violence going far beyond the usual stereotype.

The term was first coined in promotional materials for "Stationery Voyagers," referring to the satirical "Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against All Possible Criticism" that frequently harassed, threatened, and threw bombs at the story's heroes and vandalized their property out of revenge for the heroes refusing to endorse the group's social agendas.

The term alludes to incidents of gay organizations that have attacked and vandalized churches in both Lansing and Canada.

Corrupt politicians, evil filmmakers, communists, anarchists, and demonic bobcats (in the story at least) all seek to manipulate the Crooked Rainbow to aid their own agendas. And achieve this by promising special privileges that nobody else in society has ("rights") as a reward for going along. Resulting in the Crooked Rainbow participating in every single cuckoo fringe Leftist cause around hoping for a future reward.

Not straight = crooked

Whereas a Gay Mafiosi would simply be dictatorial, a Crooked Rainbow Militant would break electoral confidentiality, find out who voted "no" on a gay marriage proposal, stalk that voter, and greet the voter with a Molotov cocktail to the face, all while foaming at the mouth and screaming.

The term "Crooked Rainbow" plays on anti-Occupy Wall Street movement sentiments also.

Jane: "Can you believe what SoulFarce did over the weekend?"

John: "What?"

Jane: "They urinated all over the basement of that church down the street from us, and smashed all its windows."

John: "I thought it was the church five blocks down that was giving them problems? Isn't the one they attacked friendly to their causes? Can't they get their targets straight before they get violent?"

Jane: "'Fraid not. These aren't the harmless fuzzball friendly neighborhood types. These guys are Crooked Rainbow. They attack anything with a cross on it."

John: "Crap. Good thing we're not in Canada, or it'd be illegal for us to report the facts to the local paper."

*John and Jane are both immediately assaulted with molotov fire*

by ObscuredBeyond December 9, 2011

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rainbow rivering

its when a boy named alex poops out of his genitalia region and eats it for breakfast EVERYDAY! ewwwww that is so gross!


ewww he totally is rainbow rivering

by silllly March 10, 2009

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Breezy Rainbow

A sexual act in which the man pulls out his penis and farts.

Dude, last night I gave my girlfriend the Breezy Rainbow, and she slaped me.

by Andrew James Collins November 26, 2006

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rainbow table tennis

Where two homosexual men play ping-pong with their cocks until one ejaculates and then the other one has to suck his cock with the ping-pong ball in his mouth at the same time. For professional games contestants wear colored condoms. This game usually involves a rabbits head, a dogs foot, and alot of Astro-Glide. To start the game "referes" hold a playgirl magazine and yell "players start your engines".

Sigfried: Like OH EM GEE La' Foul like me and Roy played a game of underground rainbow table tennis .

La' Foul: Wow who won?

Sigrfried: HA he can't handle his dick... he didn't hit it once. But then again no one really loses.
*winks and then they have rough butt sex*

by jelly filled dick July 5, 2007

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fuck your rainbow

Just another way to tell someone to fuck off.

Person 1: You're such a dumbass.
Person 2: Fuck your rainbow.
Person 1: What the fuck?

by jacksepticeyez November 28, 2015