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Pulled a Scott

When you hit trey in the nuts so hard he falls over for atleast a minute


by Dean Night August 17, 2021

Jeff Scott

A smoking hot hunk of man with the sexiest bear in North America and juicy ass made for two hand squeezin’.

Wow look at Jeff Scott. I cannot believe how unbelievable attractive and hot that man is!

That ass of Jeff Scott’s drives me wild!

by WITTMLEA000 March 20, 2023

Kyle scott

the person you end up dating after you have been through every other option possible and have a WORN out pussy

ugh, who's your Kyle Scott?

by keshascrackpipe February 6, 2019

gavin scott

Gavin is a nice guy but hides behind a mask to be cool Gavin Scott has a lot of friends but doesn’t like to date. He dates so that he will be cool. He’ll be nice to you one moment and he’ll be funny and nice the next he’ll mean to you about nearly anything but over all he is still live by everyone

That’s Gavin Scott he’s nice sometimes and mean the next.

by Guineapiglover5,00 July 8, 2019

Michael Scott

The act of claiming a minor inconvenience ruined your life.

Mom: Are we sure shouldn't buy him that toy? He seems pretty upset.
Dad: He's just Michael Scott-ing it.

by O' Chungus September 10, 2023

Michael Scott

That's what she said

That joke's getting old because Michael Scott said it too much

by Rictoman February 2, 2025

scott pollard

a sexy beast who also enjoys a bit of anal play in his spare time.

what a scott pollard

by bboioionigga January 5, 2018