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snow monster

a guy who loves getting covered in cum

that dude we gang banged was such a little snow monster

by ppants August 22, 2014

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Snow bunny

A white girl with a black girls ass. This baddie is cute in the face and gets any nigga she wants because of her pretty face and fat ass

You say that snow bunny her shit fat and she not dark

by Girlbaby90 November 8, 2019

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God of Snow

all mighty snow god prayed upon when wishes of heavy snow

Billy: dude, i prayed to the God of Snow because i wanted it to snow. we got 12 inches!
Bobby: nice, thanks God of Snow!

by LAWLZninjaCAT January 17, 2012

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snow boots

a specific term referring to either two butt cheeks or two boobs from a bodacious white female bouncing together.

boots referring to the general term for a persons body parts

Person #1: "Man, did you see that girl?"
Person #2: "Yeah, G, she was knockin' d'em snow boots."

by watsup_3 January 19, 2009

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Snow Beaner

a Mexican from the North; a person from the North that acta like a Mexican; AKA Sheila

"Sheila is such a snow beaner"

by Brandon13578 March 18, 2010

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snow daddy

A snow daddy is an older, rich, white male that hooks up with and financially supports young, black, females.

Former LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling is definitely NOT a snow daddy.

by Coach EEE January 20, 2016

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Snow Grave

When a person is on the floor, and others cover them head to foot in snow, when they would prefer not be.

"Sarah is on the floor... SNOW GRAVE"

by Snow Reaper February 2, 2009

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