When a Male ejaculates into a a woman’s belly button
“Yo did u hear Michael bird bathed Olivia”
A female prostitute that works on Figueroa in the city of los Angeles between temple st and florence ave
If necia @crysanthemum_royale was a bird , she would be a "Figueroe bird"
Bats... But better. They dwell in the depths of Lady's cave under her skirt. They smell of lavender with a hint of blazing fury. They like to be fed first thing in the morning but they are picky... Only the best sticky white stuff will do. And be warned... Raising her skirt will result in escape... She will defend them and they, her. You will parish...
"That scout let 15 bird puppies out! I will burn your castle into oblivion!"
Marnie bird has saggy pum pum. She like both genders cus she can’t get enough xoxo. She fuk my dad.
Eeeeeeee you fucked Marnie Bird last night?
A person part of your vacation group who gets up at the crack of dawn every day. He/she wants the fullest fun he can get. Kind of like a kid watch cartoons on saturday hes/shes up early raring to go.
Bradley the early bird. On a cruise hes up, dressed and on the decks at dawn to start havin fun
Being so obsessed or engaged in a certain activity that you stay up all night, only being jolted back to reality when you hear the singing of the morning birds outside.
He played COD so long he started hearing the birds.
They were making out all night until they started hearing the birds.
A trope, usually appearing in science fiction, where something directly contradictory to the pre-established science of the world happens.
Origin: The characters in K. A. Applegate's Animorphs series did a scientifically impossible (both by real-world physics and the fictional universe's) maneuver that the fandom refers to as the 'bird parachute'.
"Wow, those characters totally bird parachuted there!"