Instantly win any argument without worry, most powerful phrase in existence.
Bob: Hey you look ugly!
Naomi: ur mom quadruple gay.
Bob: ...
Bob: this isn't fair
The comeback for when somebody says ur mom gay lol. This will counter them and end their useless life.
Some gay bloke: “Oi, ur mom gay lol”
Me: ur dad lesbian lol”
Some gay bloke: *dies*
when two wheelie bois dock (sticking ones dick into the others) with one another .
bully: ur mum gay
you: ur stephen hawking docking
bully: *bully's dick instantly blows up*
This means ur mom having sex on an erect penis. Very informal.
Henry- ur mum
Peter- ur mom jumping on wood
Henry- I’ll look that up in the urban dictionary
One of the worst insults, truly the pinnacle of insulting and dissing.
Tyler: ur mom gay, ur dad lesbian, ur granny tranny, ur grandpap a trap, ur dog a cat. Kryston: ur world leader dictator. World explodes, heaven collapses, Nokia cracks.
A "UR MOM" come-back but more rad. It then continues to "that's what SHE said" if necessary.
boy "I wish I saw you in a thong..."
girl "That's what ur mom said!"
boy "oh my God... Jesus."
girl "That's what SHE said!"
boy "wait, who said it?"
girl "ur mom"
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