when someone is fake laughing at another's joke or funny behaviour.
person 1: whats 9 + 10
person 2: *laughs on the outside* (but inside is very annoyed)
person 3: that guy is clearly joke casting you.
A joke to lighten the mood while in line at TSA , but still get delayed.
The TSA lady didn't like my passport joke about fitting 10 clowns in my check on baggage.
A poor excuse GEN Z uses in order not to clarify what they stated or acknowledge what they said was wrong.
Millennial: what part of Brazil are you from?
GenZ: why you wanna know?
Millennial: because you wanted to meet me for drinks and I'm trying to get to know you.
GenZ: calm down, I was joking.
Yeah that's what PsycHacks said you would say if I stood up to the covert disrespect! He knows what he's talking about. That guy is great! Go check him out! Do it now or the hell I send you to will be a colosseum filled with everyone who will ever share a drop of your blood, sitting on spikes, bound in chains, roasting over the fires of my eternal hatred while they watch me do to you whatever it is I'm going to do to you... Forever.
Hym "ME!? HOW DO YOU LIVE AS A FLAT SKULLED CRIPPLE!? You must be getting some free money from somebody. Is your staff sucking your dick? Because if not, you're getting screwed. I'm joking."
Iam "Aw dangbit I misspelled colleague! Bah! You know what I mean... 👋😮 💨 "
(joke here)
He missed the joke
a guy who just can't help but interupt when someone is else trying tell a joke
matt was in the middle of telling a great joke - but just as he was getting to the punch line brian chimed in to try and finish the punch line - which the wrong punch line of course - he is a real joke blocker.......................
You simply missed the joke. This is a bad thing on the social media. Avoiding this mistake is recommended.
Typer 1: Wow that’s not funny. I did not laugh!
Typer 2: But it’s a meme it’s supposed to be funny.
Typer 3: You missed the joke.