Screams a Lot
Is preferably British/Irish
Mate you heard a'bout the Potato-Man?
A potato that is part man
and he is weird :|
A person:I’m Potato Man!
Everybody else:yes you are
A small potato wearing a cape and a top hat, often seen as a sort of a superhero, and his real name is Dan Raw.
“Oh my god! Look, over there, that must be Potato Man!”
little short chubby man with no penis
that guy is so a potato-man
Arms, particularly on a woman, that are muscular enough to resemble those of the webslinging crimefighter.
Madonna's been working out too much, she's so muscular with her Spider-Man arms, it looks gross.
A male that is high maintence, self consumed, and has a diva like attitude. Social media is of upmost importance. 👑
Bro, quit acting like a man-dashian
Someone with a tiny cock, lacks social significance in life, but acts like a big cock man