Source Code


Screams a Lot
Is preferably British/Irish

Mate you heard a'bout the Potato-Man?

by Potato-Man The 1ST November 24, 2021

Potato Man

A potato that is part man

and he is weird :|

A person:I’m Potato Man!
Everybody else:yes you are

by ØnØ November 30, 2021

Potato Man

A small potato wearing a cape and a top hat, often seen as a sort of a superhero, and his real name is Dan Raw.

Oh my god! Look, over there, that must be Potato Man!”

by Wandamian Crucifixplate January 1, 2021


little short chubby man with no penis

that guy is so a potato-man

by Dirron January 28, 2017

Spider-Man Arms

Arms, particularly on a woman, that are muscular enough to resemble those of the webslinging crimefighter.

Madonna's been working out too much, she's so muscular with her Spider-Man arms, it looks gross.

by stewbeef March 25, 2012


A male that is high maintence, self consumed, and has a diva like attitude. Social media is of upmost importance. 👑

Bro, quit acting like a man-dashian

by Stuh May 2, 2016

tiny cock man

Someone with a tiny cock, lacks social significance in life, but acts like a big cock man

Yo, Luo is 100% tiny cock man

by kjfdlshdjkgkjlfds May 17, 2017