amber heard; a person that physically or verbally abused their s/o who is a male
amber heard is a man beater.
In black jack, doubeling down on a hard 17 and drawing a 4 or lower to beat the dealer.
"Yeah, they kicked me out of the casino after I rain-manned my fifth hand and they thought I was counting cards."
A School for all of the rich white kids whose dads tickle their assholes with all the privilege in the world. Believe it or not, they are actually good at something such as (Spending thousands of dollars on cars, Calling the police on anyone that's not white, Being entitled brats). But they are also not good at things like (Any form of physical activities, Being a good person, and having a personality).
Person 1: Hey new kid. Welcome to New Man Smith. How rich is your family
Person 2: Not very. We are going through a rough patch
Person 1: Get out
Ah, yes, the legendary CarX man, he can be one.
He will fucking fix your car, got some issues with squeaking brakes? Fuck that shit! The CarX man gives you lifetime brake warranty! He gets ALL car repairs, inside, outside, human organs in your trunk.
Just call CarX, from brakes to batteries, to oil to engine repairs! He fixes it all and right! Shannon needed a quality oil change she needed the right price, the CarX man offers FULL SERVICE OIL CHANGES! TOP QUALITY AND EASY ON YOUR WALLET!
Rattle rattle thunder clatter boom boom boom! Don’t worry call the CarX man!
created in ayd discord, if you white you just call him neighbor man.