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Bitch Mob

A group of the realest niggas of all time, wearing tiny pants, and not giving a fuck.

Lil B taught me about them Based Boyz and that Bitch Mob.

by TheTrueAmazing December 1, 2011

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son of a bitch

something you can call a motherfucking bastard.

1: ey man, i stole your credit card.
2:you son of a bitch

by Irishspringgreengreen April 12, 2020

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Bitches be crazy

Not so much a blunt statement as it is a motto in life. This simple yet profound observation states what we all think about bitches and their ways and sums up into simple terms the craziness that they be.

Not all women are bitches, and not even all bitches are women, but the bitches that be are, in fact, crazy.

The correct reply upon hearing this is to echo it back in confirmation.

guy1: Last week my ex scratched a giant cock onto the side of my car, and just today I got a text from her asking me to take her back.... the fuck?!?

guy2: Dude, bitches be crazy.

guy1: Bitches be crazy.

by P1k4 July 23, 2011

593๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž

bitch fit

-When a person, usually a female is angry and upset about something and starts whining/crying/yelling/screaming/throwing things when things don't go their way.
-Basically its going all PMSing and Godzilla like.
-Also can just be "BF" if you can't curse in front of certain people.
-Made famous by the Wayans Brothers comedy "White Chicks."

Ex. "I am SO FREAK-IN' PISSED! I think I'm gonna have a bitch fit!"

by LoganLesnarMarvel August 27, 2005

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Floor bitch

One who is always on the floor whether it be while sleeping, performing sexual favors, etc.

I can't believe Kevin slept on the floor again last night. He is such a floor bitch.

by cougared714 August 31, 2009

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A person that is and/or acts utterly repulsive. Someone of this character lacks integrity, morality and ethics. They are often extremely petty, greedy and unappreciative to the point it's disgusting. They bump they're gums with self-righteous lies and habitually cross the line with actions that shock and nauseate you.

Hey Span will you tell that "puke-bitch" to shut up! If I have to listen to anymore, bock...bock...bock... Im gonna be sick!!!

by poonanni December 4, 2013

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Hoard Bitch

A girl who flirts with a large number of guys leading them on for attention. Hoard Bitches often prey on less successful men when it comes to dating as they are easy targets. They may pull men fairly frequently whilst at parties although this is simply to ensure that the men come back wanting more. Hoard Bitches are never satisfied with one man. Self respecting men should always avoid speaking to Hoard Bitches to make sure they don't become part of their 'hoard'.

Guy 1: 'I was talking to this girl at the party last weekend, seemed really nice, even got a pull'.

Guy 2: 'Careful man, she has been speaking to me to and like 4 of out mates, she even said she wants to get with your cousin at the next party'.

Guy 1: 'Woah really, I thought we really had something going?'.

Guy 2: 'Afraid not man, she is just a hoard bitch'.

Guy 1: 'Thanks for letting me know mate, guess I'll just wait for a girl who actually cares about me'.

by NathyB23 April 20, 2015

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