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convience buddy

someone who is your last resort to hang out with, and only because no one else could come or answer.

Mark: "Why were you hanging out with Scott the other day"
Tom: "Well you know, hes my convience buddy, so we hung out cause u werent around"
Mark: "Oh yeah."
Tom: "He annoyed the fuck out of me though, he'll never stop talking."

by mickeyd23 February 20, 2011

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culvert buddies

Like a tunnel buddy, a culvert buddy is someone who has sex with the same young girl.

"I can't believe Trump and Obama raped the same 9 year old girl. After all the argued about who would have thought they would end up culvert buddies."

"Eh, I'm not surprised raping children and war are the two things they agree on."

by BidenHelpsObamaRapeChildren September 1, 2021

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boredom buddy

A friend who you only need when you are bored

Oh! I'm so bored today, I guess i shd call Ken my 'boredom buddy'.

by High man September 4, 2017

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buddy ball

A way of calling someone, your sex partner that is a man

He is my buddy ball.

by Ya Boi Larry king June 11, 2017

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Cotck Buddies

A state of ultimate male bonding achieved only through and ancient ritual. This ritual is sleeping side by side in cots out in the wilderness for four nights. Once the pair gains rite of passage they are considered cotck buddies.

After Vinny and I went camping we could now be considered cotck buddies.

by the cotck August 19, 2009

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backroad buddy

a backroad buddy is a guy/girl that you take trips on the back roads with. Sometimes, there are picnics involved, and sometimes cake. Most of the time, they get lost and start arguing about directions, but failing to get home unless they call for emergency services.

"Would you like to be my backroad buddy this summer?"
"Sure, sounds awesome!"

by G_dragon_goodone April 9, 2009

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Race Buddy

Race buddy: A fellow runner who you meet in the middle of a raec and stick with him/her for the rest of the race pushing eachother to go faster. Generly never talk to eachother agin.

Guy 1:Dude my race buddy made me take 5 minnets off my 5k!


by .g.@.n February 22, 2009

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