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People connected either biologically or by strong feelings of love and acceptance. Not strictly between a parent and a child but also between two lovers or two friends.

Family is often much more complicated that it might be thought to be.

by Im worth it June 5, 2020


I hope I am wrong.
An ill family member I sensed…

But it is probably my skilled overthinking
Or not so skilled…

Anyway, love to you and your family I send

by Believe always February 26, 2025

1👍 3👎


1 Ones relatives

2 When used in the name of an organization, the word "family" can imply that this group is extremely anti gay.

"Fuck, what happened to your face, Roy?"
"I got ambushed by those "Family Values" thugs as i got off the bus.

by thecelticworrier April 20, 2021


someone you engage in sexual activities with

hey sis suck my dick before i pound ur ass
ok i guess you are family after all

by sigmaligmastigma July 15, 2024


A group bonded by blood, love, and or a love of high speed cars.

Eh, were family here.

by Mr. Eltzroth September 27, 2022


the people you love

wow man you are really a part of my family

by 234234adam April 7, 2021


Something you love, never forget about, sometimes get mad at, and endless ❤😘

I love my Family

by Some middle schooler June 28, 2019