getting smacked in the balls really hard
hey bro! how is the girl you took out last night? yeah... she gave me the great wall of china.
Son of their maternal first cousin’s child with the paternal first cousin’s child or double-first cousin’s grandson.
My double-first great-cousin-nephew is a good person.
Spouse's great-great-grandniece's husband.
My co-great-great-grandnephew-in-law is a good person.
Spouse's great-great-grandnibling's husband.
My co-great-great-grandnephew-in-law is a good person.
Great-great-grandparent's female first cousin.
My first great-great-great-cousin-aunt is a good person.
Great-great-great-grandparent's half-sibling.
My half-great-great-great-grandpibling is a good person.