"A Shea move" is used to describe a situation in where someone has done something unlike themselves or "Out of place". This term was created in the start of July 2022. .
An example of this term is shown here. "Why would you do that, That was a Shea move you just did there"
A d move is When someone invites you to something, but then does it without you. It is normalt known as a dick move or a douche move.
Josh invited me to go to the cinema, but then left without me!
Damn that’s such a D move of him
A act of douchebaggery
The neighbor is really pulling a billy move shooting off fireworks at 4am
ejaculate! "cum", come, the eternal HELL BURN of the MALE!
what happens shortly after the male moves some goo ?? , why, 'it' has to MOVE SOME GOO !!
females are not very sensitive to the male moving some go! no need to find oneself a "reproductive slave" ! , 'locked' into involuntary 'manufacturing' ! (who' going to shepherd the punk ?) while TRYING to get the $250,000
note: there could NEVER be enough "beautiful" HUMANS!
john knew it wouldn't be long before he (A-GAIN) needed to move some goo !
jim's 'action' wouldn't "put out" ! , he needed to move some goo !
to move some goo from point 'A' to point 'B' , is the ETERNAL struggle for the male
When a fucking idiot thinks a blue field is cooler than good friends.
Nick Perna wants to be moving to Boise. ...idiot.
A Keyana Move is an incredible feat of stupidity. It is something dumb to the point where you begin to question if your iQ is as low as Keyana Dimmick’s (0%)
I can’t believe I told the waiter to enjoy his meal, that was such a Keyana Move.
A permanent change in your lifestyle and hobbies to something completely different like becoming a SoundCloud rapper.
I'm done with my otherwise thriving career, my life needs some wicked moves