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Canadian girls

Hottest French girls you'll ever find in the western world. They're respectful and have dignity and self respect and they know how to have fun without drugs or alcohol. They're also way better then American women.

Guy 1: dang see those Canadian girls over there

Guy 2: yeah man she's smoking hot

by GHT99 August 8, 2017

27πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Ashton (girl)

Ashton is a hot badass who gets all the guys and will never betray her friends, she is not a backstaber. If you ever come across a Ashton do not leave her side. She is amazing sweet and kind.Always smells amazing, and has a huge heart for animals.

Wow dude did you see Ashton (girl) go by?!

by paint47 October 17, 2019

27πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Girl Jaden

Jaden is a girl who is very trustworthy and always has ur back. Prefers the nickname β€œJae” or β€œJay”. Usually has light brown hair and beautiful blue/green eyes. She’s always ready to beat anyone at anytime. Most boys crush on her but don’t show it. She always saves her attention for one person only. She loves being around everyone and is always the center of attention at all times. Usually very athletic and very attractive. Everyone loves her.

Girl jaden said hey to me today.

by Hdyeoejwofjd December 2, 2018

25πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Country Girl

Typically hot, hardheaded, determined, always polite. Remembers her manners but will drop them on a dime to teach someone 'What's right'. Loves horses, knows how to ride, good cook, traditional type women that can still hold their own. Look just as natural in jeans and boots as they do in dresses. From farm family, or area, loves animals and children.

Usually underestimated and mistaken for the southern type. A country girl will often be referred to as 'the one that got away'. Country girls offer their men the typical lovers traits, with an added challenge thrown in. Often a country girl will have a man that provides well enough, but will constantly be pushing to provide just as well.

They believe in 'honesty is the best policy' and are typically humble unless challenged.

Never will you see a country girl waiting to find someone who will take care of her.

You can find country girls in the mid-west region of the USA. You'll be lucky to find one on the coast, as a country girl feels most at home in the mid-west.

From eHow:

Act sweet but have a strong side. Country girls retain all the charm and gentility of an old-fashioned gal, and mind their manners. But they can also be strong-willed when they need to be, protect the family farm or property, milk the cows, drive a tractor or operate the town post office by themselves.

A country girl knows how to use pots and pans. She bakes cakes for birthdays and special occasions, and picks the apples for her home-baked apple pie herself.

by Country Girl at heart September 3, 2010

714πŸ‘ 256πŸ‘Ž

Afghan Girl

A picture that headlined a 1984(I believe) National Geographic cover.

Known for haunting green eyes.

by Mr. X January 27, 2005

199πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

Reply girl

1: Really annoying females on YouTube who reply to any mainstream trailers, news, viral videos or any videos that attract a lot of attention. They are a new type of attention whore.
2: the real life jackoffasaur

Daddy: Son, I we need to have a chat. Have a seat over there and make yourself comfortable.
Billy: Okay, Dad.
Daddy: Son, there are people in this world who resemble that of a jackoffasaur. These annoying creatures are known as "Reply girls."
Billy: Why are you telling me about this, Daddy?
Daddy: So that you can defend yourself when you confront one on YouTube.
Billy: OH! Can I burn it?
Daddy: Why, yes, you can, Billy. Yes, you can.

by masterBETA February 25, 2012

38πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

finger a girl

OK, yall already know what this is. What you really want is instructions on how to make her come back for more. If this is not you then go grow a dick.

Get her all worked up, while making out is a great way to do this. Start kissing her down her neck-this is called necking- and slide your hand down her stomach and stick just the tips of your fingers under her waistband, leave them their for a few seconds so that you wont surprise her and have her freak out. Watch her reposnse at this point, if it is positive or negative, if positive go back to kissing the mouth, if negative you may want to reconsider. If she asks you waht you are doing try something like "i wanna make you feel good" with a trusting look on you face , then slowly kiss her again. Once you have gotten into her pants, literally, DO NOT go straight for pussy, even if she is not wearing any underware, rub your hand over her pussy for a while, try to get the sides and avoid the middle, this will let suspese build. Make sure you do this over her panties/thorng if she is wearing one. Once this is done slowly slide your hand under her underware, removing pants as needed, and do the cunt rubbing thing again, stay away from the middle. Start discreetly feeling for her clit, it should feel like a little fleshy nub near the top, you may have to move some lip out of the way. From here you have two ways to proceed

Rub her clit, this will make her cum, try to get some jucies on your finger, it will make things easier, watch how she responds since everyone ahs thier own preferance.

Go for the G-spot, if this is your or her first time dont do this. The G-spot is located about 2 inchs inside and is on the side facing you, use your index finger to stroke it, dont stay over it forever, try to put in a second finger, some like it and some dont, it you really want to drive her wild rub her clit with your thumb while you use you other fingers on her clit.

after she cums dont keep on going, but dont stop until she is done. The purpose of fingering is NOT to simulate sex but to just stimulate her in general. Some guys will recommend a finger in or pressing against the ass, she will either really like it or think you are a pervert, do so at your own risk.

Finger a girl is the first step to nailing (i wasnt sure if i could type FUCKING on this page, but since i just gave a graphic description of a sexual act i guess it dosnt matter)

by am i metro April 5, 2006

4417πŸ‘ 1701πŸ‘Ž