the most eyebleeding eyeburning color of yellow to exist
Piss yellow is the leading cause of xanthophobia because its so goddamn bright.
A yellow brick road in a shape of a large Penis and when someone steps on it all you hears is a deep throat noise.
"Yo bro Stacy is such a slut!"
"Bro why?"
"Didn't you hear she walked on the yellow brick choad."
The act of urinating on somebody who deserves it; delivering ultimate retribution to somebody due to their moral or social wrongdoings.
Mr Smith gave me an E on my English test, so I delivered some yellow justice!
it’s my dad who always wants to smash my mom
Fizzy: no.
yellow cannot smash my mom but he might smash yours
that’s Yellow Smashing My Mom
Yellow Wang Ointment is an asian about to "bust a nut" on another dudes cock. In the process of trying to do this, the other dude has to knee the "Ointment Giver" in the balls to create a yellowy-red colour to add to the sperm
"Yeah, the other day i had to give the Yellow Wang Ointment to some old dude. Scary shit"
CS2 spesific term:
The person(aruagble) that rages and flames in chat all game. Prone to ragequitting and trolling.
don't act like average yellow teammate, you are better than this
You will usually find a "Yellow Turd" in your toilet after eating the following foods:
iHop, McDonald's, BurgerFi, Freddy's, ThanksGiving Dinner
They are usually long and thick and they always come out in one long "turd"
Birthing a "Yellow Turd" will surely cleanse your bowels for weeks to come.
When you see these, expect good news to be on it's way.
"Bro I just dropped a huge Yellow Turd. Check it out."
*shows pic of Yellow Turd*
"Dude that's awesome! You must pull hella bitches with them shits."