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negative rizz

when you got no rizz and less than no rizz

Jaden got negative rizz, as well as Kyle.

by airtwin April 18, 2023

Negative rizz

- A form of flirtation that intentionally uses insults and back-handed comments towards a person or people.

- Trying to get someone interested in you by purposefully shoving them away.

- The opposite of normal rizz, where instead of using smooth talk, you straight-up deject your person of interest.

- Using negative rizz is kinda toxic, so don't do it too often.

Dante: Tbh all the girls in this GC are so ugly idc

Ryan: No Dante, negative rizz won't work, either.

by Infi-Ikal July 31, 2023

Jakes Rizz

Jake has the most TOP TIER RIZZ especially in his pants he gets all the bitches

YOOO Jakes Rizz is crazy

by TwizzyRizh January 13, 2024