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hot bowl of soup

v. the act of farting in hat, and sticking it under someone's nose like a hot bowl of soup.

"hey what the hell are you doing, oh no not the hot bowl of soup"

by Marco A. May 7, 2006

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Anal Soup Kitchen

When an ass is chock-full of jizzum from countless homeless dudes.

Jon: Wow. My ass is really sore this morning.

Joshua: I'm not surprised. After you passed out last night, about 8 homeless dudes took turns cumming in your butt. I'm gonna call you the Anal Soup Kitchen, because your ass is like a safe house for homeless sperm.

by DeAnn Guthrie December 19, 2012

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Potato and leek soup

The best god damn soup in Barnes and Noble.

Hey you, get me 4 orders of that potato and leek soup right nao!

by kldnfg August 7, 2009

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GLBT alphabet soup

Going over-board with adding letters to the traditional "GLBT (Gay/Lesbian/Bi-sexual/Trans)" acronym to attempt to include every non-homophobic possibility. GLBT alphabet soup can become a very long, nonsensical acronym. It becomes nonsensical in that it is redundant. Queer, for example, is a rather broad term that has already been covered by the GLB part of the acronym. Trans-gender and transsexual are close enough to the same thing that it's safe to just refer to those people as "trans". Questioning is ridiculous, because it doesn't take that long to figure out if you're gay or straight. Most people know their sexual orientation at a very young age. Allies shouldn't be included in the acronym because, as much as gays appreciate their support and openness, they simply aren't queer. The whole point of the original GLBT acronym is to have an all-inclusive term to describe queer people, not their fan club. Intersex is too detailed for the acronym; as previously stated, the very purpose of the GLBT acronym is to have a universal, simple term to refer to queer people. There can be more letters added, but the example of the GLBT alphabet soup is enough explanation of the redundancy of this term.

GLBT alphabet soup example (these are not all of the letters that some people use): GLBTIQQA=Gay/Lesbian/Bi-sexual/Transgender/Transsexual/Intersex/Queer/Questioning/Allies

by (an anonymous mouse) June 26, 2010

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Labels are for soup cans

And for music, movies, comic books/graphic novels, weapons, etc. Seriously, this phrase is bullshit. We need labels, it is part of the marketing industry. Every piece of clothing you own, every cd, or everything you own (in general) is made by somebody. It was made to sell to you. The labels are there to make it easier to sell stuff. For example, you wouldn't sell a video game to an amish person would you? no, that is not their intended audience. Their intended audience are "gamers." Gamers is a label. You wouldn't sell a heavy metal cd to a gangsta would you? no, you would sell it to a metalhead or somebody that listens to metal.

The phrase "Labels are for soup cans" is bullshit.

by motorXhead October 2, 2010

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Papa Soup

The soupy like stuff that Papas use to make babies originating from the end of a male penis, See baby batterjism

DAMN! You got your papa soup all over my leg.

by Wordophile May 12, 2005

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Cold Soup

When you're with a girl & your friend asks you "if you guys are dating yet", and he unintentionally forces you to ask her out, right there on the spot.

Friend-"Aw, ya'll cute, are ya'll dating yet?"
*Looking at that man like, WHYYYYY!?*

You- "Do you wanna go out with me?"
*After she leaves*

BRO, you hit me with cold soup.

by pyrxmydz January 11, 2015

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