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yurdleing the turtle

when a group of men stack onto eachother while buttfucking

dont hurt yourself yurdleing the turtle

by mr.hugepenis April 19, 2011

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Turtle soup

Diarrhea fart ,when sick, to check to see if toilet use is necessary, because you do not want to get up from where you are at, and liquid fecal matter squirts enough that stains your underware.

I was sick, downstairs, lying on the couch and I turtle souped. I then took a shower.

by Steven Ortiz October 2, 2014

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Galapagos Turtle

A pile of shit in your bed courtesy of A pile of shit in your bed courtesy of your drunk bed partner. The best and rarest Galapagos Turtle has the turtle head still attached to the anus of your unconscious partner.

I woke up to this god awful smell and pulled the covers back to find this giant, stinking Galapagos Turtle coming out of this chick's ass. Wow this thing stunk like a New York garbage barge but she was one hot piece of ass!

by Galapagos Bill March 7, 2007

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ninja turtles

The ninja turtles lived in the sewers, therefore they MUST smell like absolute SHIT. So when you pick up a stench that is so bad you can't think of anything worse it must be that the ninja turtles are at your house.

Ashton: "Keisha what the fuck is that smell?"

Keisha: "Fucking Ninja Turtles!"


by Ashton McCune April 9, 2006

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leaky turtle

The act of self urination in mass public. With not one regret of the self humiliation.

Ex: dude im going for it,the leaky turtle.
( D- stands up, in the middle of class: and beings self urination. Igs- wow dollie D's like totally the man, he just pulled a leaky turle and sat back down. I cant believe he would jingaling jingaling a wang chung like that. deo )

by Dleahy February 12, 2008

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Turtle shelling

What happens when you hold your poop for too long. When you finally sit down on the toilet, you let loose only to realize that it may have been on the verge of popping out, and that you probably had less time to wait than you thought.

John: "Bro, Sidney was over for 6 hours last night and I had to shit so bad!"

Steve: "Damn, son. Did you drop a deuce with her at your place?"

John: "No, but I was turtle shelling it like a mothafucka. Almost shat everywhere."

by 2toedsloth December 16, 2011

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Turtle turd

When one has to have a bowel movement so bad that the head of the turd starts to come out. The owner may be able to suck it back in for awhile longer, but if a restroom isn't found, the turtle turd will rear it's ugly head again.

A Turtle Turd can be compared to when a turtle pushes its head out of its shell, only to find danger on the outside world and quickly pulls its head back in its shell.

by Jeff Antonio March 25, 2014

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