Source Code

put wood in hole

Phrase used to tell someone to shut a door

dude1: It's freezing in here
dude2: put wood in hole, were you raised in a barn or what?

by Carnophage December 16, 2004

24πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Magical Wood Fairy

The Magical Wood Fairy is an ellusive creature that gives guys wood. Whenever there is a distressed princess in need of wood the Magical Wood Fairy gives the guy wood to give to the girl.

I've been struck by Cupid- wait, make that the Magical Wood Fairy.

by Sid Barrett March 21, 2008

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Take Her to the Woods

When you hang out with your friend, and get his girl to suck your dick while you're with him.

Guy 1: "Did you see Andreas take her to the woods?"

Guy 2: "Yeah man, that was Ethan's girl Jazmine too. I can't believe Ethan was there when it happened."

by OG Jordan September 28, 2011

17πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Evan Rachel Wood

A 20 year-old actress that isnt going anywhere, has no personality or style of her own, and is just plain annoying. Plans on launching a singing career like other try-hard actors. Will most likely be the death of Marilyn Manson .

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: To get away from Evan Rachel Wood.

by ya_mum00 October 19, 2007

129πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž

Evan Rachel Wood

A bitch.Talentless idiot who was engaged to Marilyn Manson and now is making up stories about him abusing her She should be cancelled.She supports her bff Amber Heard,even though she's a proven abuser.She is also an nazi and a racist.Claims she's bi but acts like the most hetero person ever.

That girl reminds me of Evan Rachel Wood, I hate her.

by Spooky_Mansonite15 August 11, 2021

34πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

beaver trimming the wood

a really toothy blowjob

"Last night my gf was like a beaver trimming the wood. I can still see the marks on my dick!"

by badmetaphors November 24, 2013

highgate wood school

some dusty opp school where south bank girls take let in the toilets and posh white boys think they’re bad cause they told miss stoynova to fuck off.

boy: yo, buss me ur snap
girl: what school do u go
boy: highgate wood school
girl: eww yh icl.. move from me u crusty yute

by November 23, 2021