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Uncle Sam

Where you cum onto a girls face but only on the chin so she has a white beard.

Where cum lands on someones face to where they look like they have a white beard like Uncle Sam.

by MaddhatterCrow March 6, 2016

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Sam Jun

a chair with a Giant hole in it that at times transforms into a time-machine-like, teleportation device that transports you to an alternate state and takes on the weight of the entire universe

Last night I dreamed that I actually took on the body of myself in my alternate universe by finding a rare Sam Jun.

by Muffie from robot land October 5, 2008

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Sam Charles

Sid from Ice Age,

Noun: Fucking Faggot

Sam Charles is a faggot

by The Lok February 24, 2016

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Sam Gray

He is gay and he has a small penis Zoe is unhappy with the problem. he mum even thought he was gay!!!!

"he is so a sam gray"

by Nobody6253 May 15, 2018

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sam mansk

is a nice guy.. who will lead you on then break your heart. and dose not have the nerve to come say it to your face but says it behind your back.. so lady's GET OVER HIM because he will hurt you.

-the girl that fell for you..

sam mansk: hey your really beautiful ect...
girl: oh why thanks...
sam mansk: never talks to you again...

by the girl that fell for you... March 24, 2012

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Sam Evans

a weird immature character on glee who has a really big mouth aka trouty mouth

Person 1: Hey did you glee last night?
Person 2: Yea I loved Santanas song deticated to Sam Evans lips

by friedeggs123 April 29, 2011

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Sam Tompkins

A cutie who is so underrated it's unbelievable. He makes your ears have a little orgasm every time he sings. His smile will make your day.

Sam Tompkins is a beautiful human being.

by Chlxe137 February 20, 2017

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