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phantom farting

An illusion of farting created by the body language of a group of pranksters who synchronize backing quickly away from a person while grimacing simultaneously as though the stench is intolerable and horrific.

Since adolescence these close friends practiced and honed their cruel phantom farting routine on teachers, their wives, heads of state, and eventually the 45th President of the United States as he stood on the lawn of the White House.

by Dr Bunnygirl March 28, 2020

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open farting

Verb. The act of opening your ass cheeks and letting one loose producing a quiet to silent fart. Not to be confused with open hole gas

In the middle of the lecture jimmy had to fart, so he started open farting

by definedefinition March 1, 2014

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Fart Snarfler

One who enjoys the activity of sniffing and chortling a nice stinky fart.

That dude just sniffed out a juicy fart. He's a Fart Snarfler!!"

by Mr. Taters December 22, 2009

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bog fart

a bubbly, gurgling flatulant emission created when an individual with excessive moisture in their asscrack, or possibly just a fat ass, farts. The sound of a bog fart resembles that of the bubbles created by organic decomposition in the darkest depths of a swamp, or perhaps by the boot of an intrepid explorer being pulled from an accidental step into a peat bog, hence the term. Such a fart could also be compared to the sounds created when a man has sexual intercourse with a woman of poor personal hygiene, commonly referred to as "swamp sex."

Neelsaw always has bog farts because he's fat and doesn't wipe his ass properly. He even goes so far as to put his shitty wipes in the trash can rather than flushing them, almost as if he grew up in, most appropriately, a bog.

by the vato hombrean empire February 7, 2011

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Fart Alarm

The act of going up to a sleeping person, bending over, and waking them up by farting near their face.

Bob was sleeping, so I decided to wake him up with a fart alarm.

by wolfpacleader1986 August 28, 2012

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Fart barrier

The fart barrier is passing the point in a relationship where farting in each other's company has become accepted. Thus strengthening the relationship and bond of the couple.

I farted in front of Jules the other day! We finally made it through the fart barrier!

by Vinnyitsvinny2 April 7, 2014

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The Fart Test

The fart test is a test of the closeness of one's relationship to another. If one is comfortable farting in front of others it means that they are close to that person and they have a good relationship with one another.You can tell how close you are with another depending if you hold in a fart around them or if you let it out without giving a shit.

The Fart Test can distinguish the relationship between two people such as
gfs farting in front of the bfs
best friends farting in front of one another

by tootinme January 4, 2011

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