Marbury is the country of nowhere you have to drive all the way to town just to go shopping or get food. There’s nothing to do except party mud riding or go fishing.
Austin and Blake always have parties in marbury Al at Austin’s house and they always have bonfires and drink
Al-wildan is another word for "prison" or "hell". Many people have suffered eternally because of it.
person 1: Hi!! Where do you study?
person 2: Al-wildan.
person 1: get well soon.
Person 2: Thank you.
Al-Quamir is a very good gentleman that has a massive dick he eats dick everyday
Al-Quamir is a very good gentle men
A town full of inbred hicks and a mayor who doesn't want growth in the town and uses the funds for his own gain. It's also full a meth heads and has the worst police force .
Guy. This place is fucking gross
Guy2. Obviously it's walnut Grove Al
What you will eventually be if you regularly "toss back tall frothies" at da pub.
In da music video, "Prop Me Up Beside The Jukebox If I Die", singer Joe Diffie naively treats da motionless-and-unresponsive bar-patron as if he's merely in aleing health ("It's closing time, Buddy --- you don't hafta go home, but you can't stay here."), not realizing dat he's actually a deceased corpse who's been brought there for his "final hurrah" in da raucous live-and-recorded-music-offering-and-liquor-serving-establishment-hopping lifestyle.