Oooooh! Oh! I don't exist! Ok. That's not the most solipsistic shit I've ever heard in my life! A higher plane of existence you say? Really!? Wooooow! I didn't know that! I didn't know that I existed on a high plane and therefore have already been saved... Neat! Yeah, see the same people who are saying that also want to use me as manpower to save America and the institutions and the Palestinians... So... How does that work? You're not going to save me but you need me to let you pretend to win an argument about whether or not your kids should be shielded from the vague awareness of the existence of things literally. The sheer sight of a drag queen will is going to shatter your kids mind... So I have to let you legislate against that guy wearing things... To save your kids from wrong think... Because if they see a gay they are going tooooo... Do something? Get molested? I gotta go along with your incest cult or the other incest cult is gonna get me... Not me, but rather, your daughter is going to have to not be a filth slut or I'll be allow to throw rocks at her? That's the thing that we need to rally together to save you from?
A solipsist "No one is coming to save you."
Hym "Do it or I'll murder a kid."
Solipsist "No, you need to save me! From that tranny over there! My kids is going to see that and then they are going to want to do that!"
Hym "Ha! I don't see a problem with that so..."
Solipsist "Right but the black people want the outcome of their lives to be the same as mine!"
Hym "They want their kids to get murdered over you refusing to pay for what you took from and stop surveiling as guy?"
Solipsist "Wh... This guy wants to kill me for locking him and his family in my basement!"
Hym "I... Want to kill you for a conceptually adjacent reason..."
Solipsist 😤 "I should matter more that you!"
Hym "You don't. Your kids don't. Your kids actually matter less and they're shit. Did you know... That every daughter is a doodoo in her fathers butt? (That's a Rick and Morty reference I literally write for them so I can use that in my thing)"
Solipsist "My daughter is not a poop!"
Hym "She's a poop and a filth-slut. Absolute garbo. Slut daughter."
Solipsist "People like you can't be allowed to suceed!"
Hym "The only form of failure I will accept is child murder."
When a character in anime (typically with short hair) falls in love with the main character who is in love with the new bad bitch. (With long hair)
Ichigo is always coming in 2nd
Fifth Coming
A shot found at the bar. It is mixed with:
- One part Jose Cuervo Especial Gold Tequila
- One part Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey
- One part Johnnie Walker Scotch Whiskey
- One part Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey
- One part Jameson Whiskey
Mixed together these five guys are sure to bring about the drunk of all drunkeness. The unholiest of all hangovers. Not for the faint of heart of your own free will or the perfect surprise for that new 21 year old friend.
Ruler of the four horseman.
It's my friends birthday may I have a fifth coming?
This is originally a Chinese saying. It is usually used when teachers scold students in class.It means” You go stand in the corner.”
Teacher: “ Why are you using your cell phone in my class? You come to 墙角 stand!”
an alternative song 2023 but has the same backround as wellerman 2021
sun made the wetherman come to bring the box and aerial and podcast.
To arrive at an event or destination woefully unprepared.
We were all excited by the prospect of seeing Brian that evening, but I shockedly exclaimed upon meeting him, "My God, man! You've come to dinner with your balls out." Oh, Brian... will you never change?
The river runs into the sea
The sun must shine today
As my imagination is about to slip away
Milk and honey waiting for me on the other side
It's early in the morning
And I thought I heard you
I miss you
I miss you
You know I miss you
When I'm not with you
Who kissed you?
Who kissed you?
You know I miss you
When I'm not with you
Milk and honey waiting for me on the other side
I'll never fall in love again
But you could change my mind
I miss you
I miss you
You know I miss you
When I'm not with you
I lost you in a lonely crowd
You wanted to be free
You wanted to be somone else
I'll always disagree
Milk and honey waiting for me on the other side
It's late at night then almost light
I thought I heard you
I miss you
I miss you
You know I miss you
When I'm not with you
Who kissed you?
Who kissed you?
You know I miss you
When I'm not with you
Don't touch me
Don't touch me
Don't touch me on Sunday
When I'm with you
I can see myself falling to the ground
When I'm not with you
I can watch the leaves falling to the ground
When I'm with you
I can see myself falling to the ground
When I'm not with you
I can watch the leaves falling to the ground
When I'm not with you
I can hear your voice calling, calling, calling
When I'm with you
I can see myself falling to the ground
When I'm not with you
I can watch the leaves falling, falling, falling
When I'm not with you
I can watch the leaves falling to the ground
Don't touch me
Don't touch me
You kissed him on Sunday
Here Comes Everybody