Woody dab dank meme is a dank meme in which the famous toy story character, Woody, dabs. When woody dabs, a black hole is created and the universe is destroyed by it, because of this, many people say this dank meme is fake. Which is true. Woody never dabs. Only when there are no other options.
Man, i loved that Woody dab dank meme video, it was sure as hell funny!
Someone who doesn't smoke weed, but has the personality of someone who does. They typically are young, but can be any age. Dank Squeekers have evolved above the human race in all ways.
DS- Dude 420 blaze it
Friend- You don't even smoke weed, quit being a Dank Squeeker.
A "dirty dank" is when you are making love, and accidentally roll off the bed, potentially resulting in death.
"Last night I was banging this chick and accidentally pulled a dirty dank"
A genre of youtube videos or memes are other videosof the dank disney movies such as dankarella Beauty and the dank and other mlg they are the dankest of the dank they the cool kids of dank and mlg land
When i get home i watch the the dank mlg disney universe
That stank people who smoke a lot of weed have
I hate hanging out with Fiona she has major Dank Stank