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When your gut sticks out farther than your dickie-do

Hey check out that dickie-do

by mantis422 September 24, 2018

poo and a do

A shampoo and a hair do/ hair cut..

Sally looked at her hair in the mirror and knew it was time for

a poo and a do.

by sheila in the car June 18, 2013

Do a Cummings

To blatantly break rules, the law, or social norms out of sense of arrogance, superiority and entitlement, especially when you get away with it or face only tokenistic punishment, thus provoking disgust, anger and resentment amongst the wider public who are expected to abide by those same rules and punished if they don’t. Named in honour of Dominic Cummings, one-time right-hand man to British PM Boris Johnson, who during the first covid lockdown drove across the country from London to Durham to his parents, and made various trips in the local area, later stating these were necessary to ‘test his eyesight’. He kept his job.

Bob: I got pulled over for speeding last night, but the cop let me off with just a stern word after I told him I’m close friends with the police chief.
Tod: wow! Sounds like you really did a Cummings there.

Covid marshall: you’re out in public in lockdown without a valid reason and are therefore being given a £100 fine.
Average ordinary chump: ah man, if I was rich and well-connected I could have done a Cummings and gotten away with this.

Wife: I caught you red-handed in bed with another woman.
Husband: but I had to see another woman in a state of undress in order to test my eyesight.
Wife: don’t try and do a Cummings with me!

by A jolly fine fellow January 10, 2021

water do

- aka What Are You Doing?

Ash: Water do T?
T: Shit not much, what you doin'?

by T, Be Easy August 7, 2008

doing a gooch

meaning to tell a lie or stage a hoax, which you then believe yourself and to then panic when you realise the jokes gone too far

doing a gooch - "im going to be on britains got talent"

by VirtigoX May 23, 2010

skwiddly do


something you might say if you are nausiatingly happy and you are 2 much of a dumb shite to shut your Fuckn yappa

example 1.
guy 1: weee skiddly doo i just stepped in poooo!!!
guy 2. dont put ur shoes on my carpet

example 2.
man1:happily skipping down the street
happy as larry who every d fuck he is
man2:(cant stand this act )and this man trippes the other nan n says FUCK YOU SkWIDDLY DO!*gladdly spitting on his left eye*:D

by ylime123 May 6, 2009

Do a Lint

To take a really long shit.

"I really had to do a Lint during the break, couldn't hold it in for longer."

by Todoalint420 November 4, 2018