Source Code

Rebecca Black fan

An idiot who has an IQ of 31 (Rebecca Black's IQ) or less who never heard real pop music but thinks Rebecca Black is the best singer ever. She pisses you off very quickly when you say "Rebecca Black Sucks" because she will say pop music changed and criticize older pop stars like Britney Spears and Avril Lavigne and you would want to kill her by putting her head in the toilet.

Rebecca Black , Justin Bieber , Jenna Rose , idiots , Rebecca Black fan

by rebeccablackisanidiot April 24, 2011

46πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

dane cook fan

Not to be confused with the very few people who can actually relate to and understand what Dane Cook is saying in his comedy routine.

75% of people who have listened to a dane cook cd, dvd, or have been to a Dane Cook event.

Mostly teenagers, females, and first-time listeners.

The girls all want to fuck him.

They can't understand half of the things he talks about, but he's their friend on myspace, and has over 2 million friends on myspace, so he is SOOO FUNNY!!!

Dane Cook: That Dane Cook is a silly bitch!!


BAMF: Do you even know what he said?

Dane cook fan: YEAH!! Uh, no, but.. HAHAHA!!!


Dane cook fan: Mommy, can I buy this dane cook CD??

"Mommy": No, it has the parental advisory sticker on it, so you should wait till you're 18.

Dane cook fan: But-but-but... (Cries) I'm going to go cut myself and listen to Fall Out Boy.

by voorheez January 13, 2008

82πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

fake weeknd fan

someone who listened to either 'earned it' 'the hills' or the almighty 'can't feel my face' and instantly declared themselves a fan of the weekEnd before even knowing how to spell his name. also thinks his beautiful hair is either a piece of KFC or something disgusting that shouldn't exist.

*can't feel my face comes on* "Wow, I love the Weeknd!" said Claire. Claire is a fake Weeknd Fan.

by drake_is_life_123 April 6, 2016

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Die Lit Fan

Niggas who claim to be Carti fans and have only heard Magnolia or Die Lit or just got on after Die Lit dropped.

I get that you’re new but listening to his old shit is not gone change the fact that you a die lit fan.

by Nardi πŸ•Š September 3, 2019

15πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Justin Bieber Fan

A person who does not know what real music tastes like.

There's a number of people who clicked "Dislike" on the Beatle's "Let It Be" video on Youtube. Those people are Justin Bieber Fans.

A person whose iPod is full of Bieber's songs is a Justin Bieber fan, and yes, he/she does not know what real music tastes like.

by King Kong 129 July 25, 2010

441πŸ‘ 321πŸ‘Ž

Linkin Park fan

Linkin Park Fan: Me, Someone who likes Linkin Park. every Fan has their likes and dislikes. One who likes Linkin Park Falls in with this Definition.

eg: Im a linkin park fan who thinks its funny that people use a dictionary website to make fun of a band they dont like. They dont see me shitting on the stuff they like, your metallica or maiden, ozzy, The classics. Im a fan of them as well, while also being a Linkin Park fan So get a fucking life R-Tards

why point out what you dont like, your one in a million, nobody fuckin cares. Like your shit, and I'll like mine.

and yes I know this makes me a total hippocrite

by Red Vs Blue Rocks February 7, 2005

256πŸ‘ 182πŸ‘Ž

Shit hit the fan

When something bad is found out and the consequences start to happen.

"I didn't think she'd find out, until Bob told her about it, then the shit hit the fan".

by yomamas_bin_slobbin April 12, 2009

56πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž