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gun fun

The act of ramming a gun up someones anus and saying something along the lines of "Give me the money or your ass gets it!" Not very fun most of time ; used by people in hood wanting to scare people most of the time they get the thing they want.

"I heard larry had some Gun Fun!"
"Yeah he did he lost all his money!"

by ItsJustAPrank! November 8, 2017

A Chip Of Fun

To add aome sugar to a boring situation and make it fun.

I was waiting for a meeting yesterday and while I was waiting I had to be in this room coleyeley separate from the rest of the office in a scary and abandoned office place. So I decided to put on a play for everyone else waiting too. We all had so much of a chip of fun!

by Justicewithtacosandweed August 10, 2018



Bob has been enjoying himself doing the fun-for-one while being quarantined.

by floral harmony June 29, 2020

fun in a bundle

a word that will make you sound totally pimp
describing a event that will be fun, or that is fun
just a over all amazing word
and when you say it
you will pwn?!

Drew:Hey you wanna like get some pudding?!

Tipper: Sure that would be fun in a bundle!!


by drew-suf December 13, 2007

fun place

The fun place is when you pull a blanket over your head, and start making beatboxing noises under the blanket to simulate the club.

When my girlfriend made me mad, I went the fun place.

by Mike OxLong EnHard June 14, 2023


When you do something that is good and bad, but also super fun ;)

Sheila: Dude, is what we're doing bad?
Jeff: Nah cutie, it's more of a fun-neutral kind of thing.
Sheila: Oh you're so sexy when you're right! Now do me.

by Mr.Wordbank21 October 27, 2017

Professional Fun Haver

A person who makes and has fun out of any situation, and stays positive no matter what.
A person who can have fun without drugs, alcohol, cussing, and sex.

Dizzy Dyl is a Professional Fun Haver (Positive person)!

by MrProffesionalFunHaver August 21, 2023