The question you should ask when you are too intoxicated to think of a sandwich other than salami.
"What are you eating, is it a salami sandwich?"
"Yes pal"
"Have you ever considered a Ploughmans?"
A cryptocurrency maximalist who is often without fiat currency. Therefore, this individual is almost always unable to pay bills immediately and requires to first covert cryptocurrency to fiat currency.
John - “I always have to pay for your tab. You never have money”
David - “I’ll covert some crypto and send it to you later”
John - “You non fiat having ass motherfucker!”
Washington - “sheeeeeeeeeeet”
Apparently this boi is giving life to everyone.
Plz give m a soul YOU FUCKING HAG
The phrase "have you ever had a dream" is a quote from the Disney animated film Hercules. At around the 26 minute mark in the movie, Hercules says to Phil:
"Haven't you ever had a dream? Something you wanted so bad, you'd do anything?"
he movie came out in 1997. According to KnowYourMeme the video originates from an interview in 1999. It is entirely possible the child saw and loved Hercules, and wanted to share his favorite, inspiring quote from his favorite movie.
"Have you ever had a dream? Something so bad, you'd do anything?"
2👍 1👎
a phrase that informs the subject that cats can have little a salami
"did you know that cats can have little a salami"
The common phrase use to dump a person on a first date
Usually when using it in a sentence, you either start or end it with a sorry.
First Example:
Wanna do this again?
Sorry I have to do something tomorrow.
Second Example:
Oh your gonna love my mom when we go to my apartment.
Wait. I have to go do something, sorry.
''Clink clink let's have a drink'' is mentioned by Jess and Gabriel Conte in their vlogs when they are about to have a drink. First mentioned in their video called ''IS OUR HONEYMOON PHASE OVER? ADVICE Q&A'' on their channel Jess and Gabriel. Conteam forever!!
Jess: ''Our drinks are ready babe''
Gabe: ''Oh thanks!''
Both: ''Clink clink let's have a drink''