letting the audience know that something is in fact, deadly serious and not to be taken lightly. a couple of words typically can be ridden over, trotted on, largely ignored, but no joke lets you know that this is time to pay attention and bring out your notepad
I'd love to grab lunch but I just checked their menu and their prices are no joke. $32 for enchiladas, are you serious
Two simple words only cool people can use. When you once use it you get stuck and can't make a sentence without it. In German it's "ohne Witz".
Lotte: no joke it's so fucking cold
Kathi: NO JOKE
Felix: no joke I can't stop saying "no joke"
When someone says an offensive joke which offends many people
yo dude that was offensive, such a Brandon-joke
“Sexual dad jokes are funny as”
“Would that not just be called a daddy joke then”
A dad joke that has an adult overtone, turning ‘Dad’ joke into the sexualized ‘Daddy’ joke moniker. These jokes would typically not be shared between a Father and his children, but would retain its eye-rolling and groan invoking effect.
Friend 1: “A sperm donor, a carpenter, and Julius Caesar walk into a bar. He came, he saw, he conquered."
Friend 2: “That was a solid Daddy Joke!”
a joke so corny that you laugh because of the awkwardness. Said by teachers, especially former physicists. The most legendary but unfunny jokes ever
peele joke:
Mr. Peele: Can anyone explain the problem on the board?
Class: *silence*
Mr. Peele: *pretends to tap an imaginary microphone* Is this thing on?
The worst fucking joke you will ever hear
person 1 "hey guys, red sus!" person 2 "that was an Anis Joke nobody is laughing"