A drunken blow job with excessive teeth
Becca sayers gives a mean Toothy-J
The couple name between two people with the names Payton & TJ otherwise know as T-Ton. This couple is one where the two partners have deep feeling for each other but neither admit to the other. Most likely tho this couple will not ever become offical but will just attend a party or two as each other's dates. Due to placement issues Pay-J may not last because, the two lovers will be split up making communication tough. Even though it may not work both partners will know this as one of the times they fell in love.
I: " here TJ I saved you a seat next to Payton "
"OMG did you see Pay-J at lunch!! They seemed in love.. When will they be offical?"
The most beautiful girl in the world. She loves to laugh and always loves to have a good time. She deserves to have the best boyfriend on earth. You could never meet her but still fall in love with. You couldn’t ask for anything better. She is the best best friend and girlfriend a guy could ever ask for.
J belle is a Georgia peach.
A real gangster with sick tunes.look him and his crew up on SoundCloud(Badbanditclub)
“Swaggy j is so fire”
a really big douche bag who wears leather jackets hoping people think he's cool.
"Man he has a really cool leather jacket" "Eh, he's a j-slut for wearing it. He thinks it's cool"
The act of taking someone's meme, not reacting and then accusing them stealing the meme that was just stolen
Yo dawg, you see what Steve and Will did? Pulled a J-Haxx on homies meme's