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Kill haters day

Where furrys cosplayers therian and all the other people that get hate kill the haters as revenge for kill furries day

Billy:John you got the weapons to kill the hater
John: hell yes I do it’s kill haters day

by Furrys are cool August 15, 2023

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Kill John Lennon

A phrase one chants when experiencing blackouts after reading the famous novel "The Catcher in the Rye" by J. D. Salinger.

Butters: Kill John Lennon! KILL JOHN LENNON! Kill John Lennon! Kill John Lennon!
Butters: Hey, dad, where does John Lennon live?
Stephen: John Lennon's dead, Butters.
Butters: Aww, dangit!

by PNurBH June 7, 2022

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imma kill thee

A fancier way of saying I'm going to kill you

Imma kill thee Winston because thou killest mine friend, methinks. methinks methought thee thou shakespeare slang shakespeare

by JaxonJackson May 15, 2016

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killing tony danza


This is a term that is used to talk about masturbating when you don't want people to know what you're talking about.

Todd: Yea so then I was killing Tony Danza, and Dana called me up.

Danny: Did you stop?

Mom: Hey boys, did you say you wanted some cookies?

by mm13 July 30, 2006

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clean up kill

little bitches in halo 2 who come and kill you or a team mate after and intense firefight. Your shield is usually completely down and one shot with an SMG and you are dead. Many pussys rack up kills this way, because it requires no talent

HankTizzy had so many clean up kills i wanted to give hime a cleveland steamer

by anusol September 19, 2005

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Day Kill

When you gotta beat some pussy up during the day. C'mon you fucks, how did you not know what a Day Kill is. You should be Following @FullSendAlek on Instagram so you know how to navigate through life.

Day Kill ......@FullSendAlek got a shit load of daykills at western university during FoCo. Just go follow him @ instagram.com/fullsendalek

by CaptivateByAlek October 2, 2019

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Ace kill 22

A power hungy clanhopper who has been in clans that range from shitty clans like eos to austraillian reject clans like Chivalry legions

Lmao he joined another clan, what an Ace kill 22

by lolomgsamp5 September 16, 2008

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