A girl who is attractive, despite being too skinny. The term suggests that she's attractive enough to sleep with, but should probably eat some cheeseburgers. In both cases, meat is what she needs.
That checkout girl is kinda cute. What do you think?
Yeah, but she could stand to gain some weight. I'd say she's a candidate for meat.
My wife had a picture of her uterus after it was removed. It looked like a meat vase!
A person whom is making you feel mentally amused by their actions or their physical appearance
Friend~ " Take a look at this guy...what a roach meat."
Friend 2~ " Wow, his hair makes him look like an iguana"
The meat you use for sandwich meat from the Deli. When it wiggles, Cats come running.
I was making my man a dope ass sandwich, when I pulled the wiggly meat out from the fridge. Damb cat heard the package and started meowing up a crazy storm for some sandwich meat. I made him dance for his wiggly meat.
When you finally get the dick in and afterwards you get the stank dick
meat in the pot: Put the dick in and suffer because you a fuckboy
a group of kids that are tryhards but people think they're pre cool. Very diverse group of kiddos, half short half tall.
have you watched meat vlogs new vid?
Heck ya buddy!!
When you put both hands on top of each other arose nd your shaft, anything that sticks out past that is bonus meat.
Jaime showed Billy two handfuls, and about six inches of bonus meat.