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Music Junkie

Someone who always listens to music and learns the lyrics super fast and pushes the song down their friends throats.

Kelly: Jill you need to listen to this song! It totally captures what im going through!

Jill: Shut up! Your such a music junkie!

by Superflower January 15, 2012

26๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pop Music

You guys are fucking idiots. Pop music isn't just the mass produced shit like Britney Spears or whatever (and to be fair, "Toxic" is a decent, catchy song, which is more than can be said for a lot of the shitty nu-metal/emo bullshit you kids listen to). Pop music is really anything that pertains to conventional songwriting of verse-chorus-verse. It can be loud, sloppy, even dissonant at times, but if it follows the conventional song structure, it is, to a degree, pop music. Get over yourselves and realize that musicians like Brian Wilson and John Lennon wrote pop music and were more talented than any shitty teen-angsty garbage band you douche bags listen to.

Metal, nu-metal, "hardcore," emo, and what your probable interpretation of punk is (derivative bullshit like Rancid) couldn't hold a candle to a great pop song -- and probably write really bad pop songs anyway.

by :-* October 19, 2004

206๐Ÿ‘ 336๐Ÿ‘Ž

Music Snob

A music snob listens to more music than you. As a result they are able to make a better informed judgement on what music is best as they have listened to a wider spectrum of styles. They spend their spare time digging around for music that they perceive to be better than what has been spoon fed to them by the radio. This allows them to hear music that doesn't get credited by major media sources and so aids them in making a better judgement on what music is better.

Often dismissed by others as only liking music on the basis that it is obscure, skeptics of music snobs often choose to make this misinformed judgement because they don't understand the appeal of finding out about less mainstream music. In reality the music snob will prefer less mainstream music solely because it is more original and sounds better.

person 1: "you're such a music snob, you only like music because no one else has heard of it"

Music snob: "Actually I like the music I like because it sounds better and I have spend a lot of time and effort looking for music. It's like looking into a treasure chest. You will pick something from the top and say that it's fantastic, where as I will empty the entire chest, sift through everything and choose only the finest treasure. See what I mean?"

Person 1: "Urgh you're just so pretentious."

by indier than thou June 11, 2011

42๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

sentus music

somebody who thinks they can rap but really cant. somebody who does it without reason. Similar to lil b. hes a cracker. its what you call a basegod.
its a sissy

stupid sentus music
sentus music is a cracker
lil b is better than sentus music
basegod is a basegod by the 4th definition
sissy is what sentus music is

by hippie101 November 24, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Housewives Music

Music that is made by an appliance or gadget used by housewives to clean thingz around the house and the house itself such as, vaccum cleaners, washing machines, dryers etc.

"(Shouts)Hey, turn that housewives music down, i'm trying to watch the telly"

by P4R4D0X May 8, 2005

7๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

snap music

a type of music that is very easy to snap your fingers to, hence its name. its made from simple beats and originated in atlanta, georgia. there is a specific step that people often do, along with the snapping. a good example of snap music would be the song "Laffy Taffy" by D4L.

person 1-come on, girl. dont stop dancin now. this is the jam.
person 2-naw, girl. im tired. come get me when they playin some snap music.

by yay area baby December 13, 2005

53๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž

Music Box

When a woman's vagina has become so full of air during sex that she cannot help but make LOTS of noise during and after.

Guy: "What was that sound?"

Girl: "Oh, don't worry that's just my music box, keep going!"

by Oliver Scalia O'conner February 24, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž