They may be Salti and they may be a nerd, But they tend to be amazing an awesome. Salti Nerds are Completely lovable and huggable, ready to cuddle at all times and is always loving and kind.
Everyone wants to cuddle our Salti Nerd
A type of nerd that isn't easily identified. people only realize they are nerds after prolonged exposure to them.
Ellilta's got her shit together but she's been watching Game of Thrones everyday for the past month. She's a functional nerd.
A person involved in lots of different art programs. Usually are in many after school activities such as Band, Orchestra, Choir, Show Choir, School Plays , etc. The stereotype is someone who is referred to as the artsy one in class of at home.
Stacy: Hey bob. What are you working on?
Bob: Just working on something for art class.
Stacy: OK. So, do you wanna see a movie tonight?
Bob: I can't i have choir and i have to run lines for the play and practice for my Orchestra concert tomorrow.
Stacy: You're such a arts nerd Bob! You never have time to hang out with your friends!
Someone who is obsessed with band (and wants everyone to know it). A band nerd is usually obnoxious about being in band. They have nothing else going on in their life. Don’t confuse this with someone who tries hard in band or a regular member of a school band.
He’s such a band nerd that’s like his only personality trait
Band nerds are kiddos who play in band, and more commonly are in marching band. They literally live in the band room; they ARE the band. Band nerd is seen to others as an insult, but is actually quite affectionate.
"Hey Jessie, how was your weekend?"
"Oh! It was great. I didn't have any free time since there was a competition on Saturday, and I practiced even though we wouldn't be using the music anymore. Speaking of practice, band is in 2 hours, I can't be late. Bye Lina!"
*as she walks away*
"Jesus, Jessie is SUCH a band nerd..."
Someone who loves band... Usually has friends in band but they most likley play the same instrument as them. Band Nerds usually are in school band or small ensembles However, their is a HUGE difference between Band Geeks and Band Nerds, Band Nerd is usually an insult...
That Band Nerd always has her flute with her