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White people

A species of humankind that lives their life wrong by eating processed, microwaved shit, suck at diversity, and also proudly take the No.1 of the most racist race in the world. But after all, they are still keep living without realizing that because McDonald fried their brains already.

“Masks won’t save you” - White people
“I will never wear a face muzzle, I will never take the vaccine” - White people
Ni hao ma” - White people
“You yellow monkey” - White people
“I love Asian food, let’s eat Panda Express” - White people

“I love Italian food, let’s eat Domino” - White people

by RandomGuyThatWriteShit September 10, 2021

2👍 7👎

white people

Caucasians, or colonizers also known as snow roaches, vanilla gorillas, and crackers among others.

That's some white people shit.

by v4rkr December 15, 2020

5👍 25👎

shadow people

A term recently coming into common use in Seattle, WA. The term refers to African Americans and their skin tone, also derived from the stereotypical actions usually associated with African Americans. The term is commonly used after a ROAN, BlackOUT, or Nigger Moment.

I can't believe that people actually refer to blacks as Shadow People.

by The StereoTypist August 20, 2006

12👍 71👎

Crab People

It is assumed Crab people have lived underground or inside the queer eye for the straight guy men. That is incorrect. In fact the Crab People simply evolved to look, smell, and seem human, but they are not. Really, they are just any annoying person with something shoved their respective bungholes.

Did you hear Sarah Palin's response about death Panels? She must be a crab people

Greg is such a niggardly crab people

by Eskimo Rasta Salad Bro February 1, 2010

20👍 132👎

People of color

People of African descent usually always having brown to black skin tone unless albino

Growing up in the rural south “people of color” are not brought home to the dinner table.

by Johnny k'nieval November 11, 2018

15👍 90👎

White People

,Some white people here are good some aren't.

Some white people call black people racist for saying "these white people are annoying" even though SOME of your ancestors enslaved them. Or call them "Evil Gangsters" or "Fried chicken Eaters"

Some white people are good

They know what other races go through and have Black, Asian, Hispanic, Indian, and more Friends. They comment good things about every race.

Long and short is that all people have ups and downs. Beside Harry Maguire

John: White people are not white

by DUDEISADUDE May 18, 2022

6👍 8👎

turkish people

has a triple nipple and flirts like a orangatang and has the penis the size of california

"you look like your a turkish people!"

"are you calling me a monkey with a big penis?"

by mozafataass March 22, 2009

17👍 118👎