To urinate (male, semi-vulgar)
I'll be back in a minute, I'm going to go shake hands with the boss. *heads off to bathroom*
it’s when someone has a lot of bass in there car
making the block shake
let’s go shake the block or im going to shake the block
if you have a necklace with a skull on it and if you shake it or show it to the person you hate, they have a 95% chance they will die in an accident instead of disease.
Sarah shows Amy her skull necklace and a long time from now Amy dies from a car accident.
Shaking a skull necklace is optional.
The strawberry shake is when you are eating a girl out while she's on her period and you drink her blood and cumm at the same time.
I gave my girl a strawberry shake last night
A synonym for semen, used in College Station Texas and at UC Davis
Tiffany decided to top-off on some Aggie Protein Shake after the big UT/A&M game.
To dap someone up or give them a handshake. Slang used in east coast and west coast.
“what’s good, shake me up gang”
(shake someone up)
A purple shake made of Grimace's shit blended with his cum in a cup with whipped cream smothered from his purple ass cheeks.
Guy1: "Whoa dude what is that?"
Guy2: "This is the new McDonald's Grimace Shake. Want to try some?"
Guy1: "Sure dude."
Guy2: "How is it dude?"
Guy1: "Holy shit this is fucking goo-" *chokes and dies*
Guy2: "Dude are you okay? DUDE!!"