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Master of the Universe

A He-Man strongest, greatest and overall Supreme Overlord and Master of the Universe

Hey look over there, its Justin from Gero, he is a true He-man Master of the Universe.

by 1awseome888 June 13, 2011

5πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

the gaming universe

A group of active intelligent beings who love laughing at the dumbasses who try to defy authority and make a fool of themselves.

The fact that Kuhan posted this to get banned from the Gaming Universe and made a fool of himself.

by Anonymous001 December 25, 2005

8πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

University of Florida

A university in florida located in Gainesville otherwise known as "the swamp." It's located in the middle of nowhere and there's pretty much nothing to do? They are the gators and they have not been ranked in the top 10 rankings for college football in years. Their team sucks and they like to tackle each other instead of the opposing team. The students and the fans are a bunch of white trash hillbillies and many of them are inbreds. it is not unusual especially in florida p to be at Walmart and see a redneck with a mullet and only 2 teeth with a gator shirt on. Gator fans are unusually proud of their team but nobody really knows why because there is nothing to be proud of. You will find hundreds of UF alumni at any one of their games and they like to tailgate and get so drunk they won't remember the game because they know they are going to get destroyed. Many of the alumnis are either unemployed or they work at a fast food restaurant, many of them don't have much going for them.

"I hate flipping burgers making minimum wage." Well maybe you shouldn't have gone to the a University of Florida!"

by Awesomenessbruhh February 16, 2015

4πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Regis University

Everyone I've ever met that went to Regis University is an alcholic and a latent homosexual.

Jane: Boy, that John can't eat puss to save his life.

Athena: Of course he can't, he went to f'n Regis University!!!

by Tom Kaz January 23, 2007

6πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Northwestern University

The school so named because it happens to be northwest of the University of Chicago.

Person 1: Hey, why's that school called 'Northwestern University'? Seems kinda dumb.

Person 2: There was already a way awesomer school called the University of Chicago. Guess they couldn't get creative.

by turnonthebrightlights137 August 7, 2010

55πŸ‘ 422πŸ‘Ž

Ohio University

A magical land of drugs and alcohol a.k.a Ohio's best school

Ohio University throws the best parties in Ohio!

by Cbjchicka69 December 10, 2018

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Unitarian Universalism

A cult for liberals

Did you see that new Unitarian Universalism church?

Yeah, isn’t that a cult for liberals?

by UUisacult December 26, 2020

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž